Friday, December 13, 2013


Touches eyes
Trembling before its glory
Along with all they see

Life-giving light
So primal
In its beauty,
Sparkles red and purple
Through the leaves and their birds singing praises of the darkness falling away

I have come here to meet the sun

Through this drama
Played out endlessly
Over and over
Before and after the last man
I stand
Its lonely child
In awe of its divine indifference to all that it illuminates

Why is it so easy
To find beauty in what lies so distant
While at the same time human company
Draws only the distance of a vacant stare
Towards the specific vagueries which numb the mind to time's passing
And throw one into the endless circles of monotonous conversation

So apparent from far away
In the sovereignty of the sun over my head
As the proximity increases
In the words of a friend or the glance of a passer by

My mind
So enraptured by the inhumanity of the open sky
When it brings its focus closer
To its own fractures refelected in the regular imaginings of other minds' eyes

But I am still with the sun this morning

Ensconced by the warmth of its rays
My awareness stretches
Moment by moment
My experience reaching out
Enveloping everything in my gaze
Feeling myself a blink in the eyes of the sun and stars from which I'm made

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