Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Walk Down Mainstreet

Walking Away From Mainstreet
Beckoning you to come in,

It painstakingly carves out an emptiness it claims was always there:

Tomorrow's freedom 


Into the uncertainties of a daily life passing away into ghosts.

Ghosts that carve their space

To pull you inside

To deny you an untouched happiness they promise you on shiny surfaces

Behind the windows' ephemeral glass

Shimmering mirage: inside a love that will only pass.

Desecrate its temple: 

Do not walk inside.

Turn away and look into my eyes.

My love bought only when you relinquish all that buys:

Embrace the fullness by pulling away your guise.

Life tread on water with futures unplanned:

Tell me, have your feet touched upon these lands?

Sunday, March 9, 2014


I could only tell you what it's like to be there
And yet you will never know how it can be felt
I would only try to explain what cannot be said

Describe the unknown
The unknown

I could only try to show you how it might be
But still your heart would not be able to see
I might leave you to yourself to think about that

Think of the unknown
So unknown

I can feel this place that is somewhere out there
It is this place that asks for nothing in return
All it ever asks is for me to feel right at home
And without words

I will gladly stay
In the unknown

You might think that some words
Would not dare to fail me
And yet there are none that I can
Try to bring about
You could only try to make me talk about it,

But it stays unknown
It's unknown

All it ever asks is for me to feel right at home
And without words

I will gladly stay
In the unknown

I will never try to find words where there are none,
And yet some will try to follow where I have been
I will always try to keep this place inside me

Where it is unknown
It's unknown